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Sunday, July 1, 2018
Saturday, June 30, 2018
Thursday, June 28, 2018
Wednesday, June 27, 2018
Tuesday, June 26, 2018
2018 Day 1
We started the morning in a thunderstorm about 6 am. We traveled to our first stop in Vermillion Co, IL about 6:45 am. The corn was over my head (I am 6'5") and was just beginning to tassel. The population was 35,800 ppa.
Stop 2 was again executed in the rain in Warren Co, IN near Marshfield, IN. The corn was also near tassel at V12 with a population of 33,700 ppa.
As we traveled north to Benton Co IN the weather cleared a bit. We were southeast of Kentland, IN. In this field the corn had a pop of 31,114 and was somewhat later planted (V11-12).
We then hopped on Route 24 and headed west into Illinois. Our next stop was on the Western edge of Iroquois Co west of Ashkum, IL. We found the field to be corn following corn. It had been strip filled this spring with a final stand of 40,200 ppa. The corn was at V12 nearing tassel. Here is the video. https://youtu.be/AOSsPD2u2Hk
We then traveled Northwest to LaSalle Co near Wenona. This is a field we have stopped at every year of the tour. It didn't disappoint again this year. It was multi year corn again with a current population of 39,000 ppa. The corn was somewhat behind the first 4 fields at V10-11.
Our final stop of the day was near Davis Junction in Ogle Co, IL. Again this is a multi year repeat and also corn on corn. The field was the furthest behind at V8. That was representative of the area north of I-80. The crops were clearly a couple weeks behind central IL and IN. The population was again high at 40,400 ppa!
That concluded the stops for the day. Off to meet George Delagardelle in Wisc Dells WI and to LaCrosse tonight to get a couple of hours of sleep.
Thursday, June 21, 2018
2018 Tour
Follow us on twitter @JEGoss13, @jp2riskmgmt or we will post our video's on YouTube.